Legal notice


Company name: BIOCORP Production
Headquarters: Parc Technologique Lavaur-la-Béchade – 63500 Issoire – France
Legal form : Limited company with board of directors
SIREN number : 45354105400012
Responsible : Eric DESSERTENNE

In accordance with the law number 2004-575 of the 21th of june 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, we inform you that the website « » is the property of BIOCORP Production.
Regular updates are ensured by BIOCORP Production.

If you have any suggestion, information or feedback concerning this website, feel free to contact the webmaster by filling the contact form.


Web hosting: Planet Work
231 Rue Saint Honoré – 75001 Paris – France
Tél. : 0 891 02 44 24
E-mail :

Creation : Double Salto (design) and OpenStudio (development)

DOUBLE SALTO – 11 rue Georges Clemenceau – 63 000 Clermont Ferrand – France –

OpenStudio – 5 Rue Jean Rochon 63000 Clermont-Ferrand –

Photo & video credits: Getty Images, Shutterstock, BIOCORP, Riot House Production, Virginie Pezet.

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The user of this website agrees to respect the following rules:

The user of the website “ “ acknowledges having read this legal disclaimer and agrees to comply therewith.

BIOCORP Production cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damages resulting from accessing this website or using this website and/or its information, including its inaccessibility, data loss, deteriorations, destructions or viruses that might affect the user’s hardware and/or viruses that might be present on its site or any related site.

Although BIOCORP Production makes every effort to ensure that the content of its site is reliable, it does not guarantee that this content is free from errors or omissions and may not be held liable for errors or omissions, of for non-availability of information and services. BIOCORP Production reserves the right to improve and/or change the content of its site at any time and without notice. Accordingly, users acknowledge that they use such information at their own risk.

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Photographic credit
The photographs on this site may not be reproduced in any way whatsoever.


Biocorp Production pays particular attention to the protection of personal data. The purpose of this policy is to explain, in a clear and transparent manner, the way in which Biocorp Production collects data when using our website.

This confidentiality policy applies to the data collected by Biocorp Production when you visit the following link: (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”).

The commitments made correspond to the values and principles to which Biocorp Production is committed. Indeed, Biocorp Production undertakes to ensure that the collection and processing of your data complies with European Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of personal data. Thus, Biocorp Production undertakes to collect and process the personal data of its employees and third parties only for a specific and legitimate use, corresponding to the purpose of the processing carried out. Only relevant and necessary information will be recorded with regard to the objectives pursued.

Biocorp Production guarantees the security, confidentiality and integrity of the personal data of its employees and third parties.

We invite you to consult the CNIL website in order to familiarize yourself with the notions relating to personal data.

1- Scope of application
This privacy policy applies to the Biocorp Production Website and to personal data collected exclusively via the said Website. The privacy policy presented here does not apply outside this scope.

2- Personal data that Biocorp Production collects
The personal data that Biocorp Production collects on the Website is used to manage relations with you and to process your requests. Thus, Biocorp Production is required to process data that you provide us directly on the Website and data that we collect automatically. Biocorp Production only processes personal data for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes. Biocorp Production undertakes not to process this data in a manner incompatible with these purposes.

2.1 The nature of the data

a. Personal data collected via the “Contact” form
Biocorp Production collects your personal data when you personally fill in the “Contact” form. The data that Biocorp Production collects is as follows:

  • Your name
  • Your first name
  • Your country
  • Your email
  • Your message when it contains one or more personal data


b. The information that Biocorp Production automatically collects
Biocorp Production may collect information automatically when you browse our Website. The information collected is as follows:

  • The details of your browsing on the Website
  • Your IP address
  • Your web browser
  • Your operating system


2.2 The legal bases on which we base our processing of data
With regard to the personal data you provide us with, (see 2.1.a) Biocorp Production processes your personal data on the legal basis of legitimate interest. Thus, Biocorp Production uses this data for the sole purpose of assisting you and answering your questions. Concerning the personal data that Biocorp Production automatically collects (cf. 2.1.b), a specific policy has been put in place by Biocorp Production concerning Cookies, which is explained in more detail here (see Cookies Information page). Biocorp Production invites you to read this policy on Cookies.

2.3 The length of time your data is kept
Biocorp Production undertakes to ensure that the length of time your data is kept is determined and proportionate according to the purpose of the processing. Biocorp Production uses the recommendations of the regulations in force relating to the protection of personal data and the CNIL (French Data Protection Authority) to decide on the length of time personal data is kept. In cases where Biocorp Production needs to keep personal data longer than recommended by the applicable regulations relating to the protection of personal data or the CNIL, Biocorp Production undertakes to carry out an impact study and to inform users. Biocorp Production will keep the personal data relating to the communication for as long as necessary to enable us to process your request. Once your problem has been dealt with, we will delete the communication data within six (6) months. For the avoidance of doubt, Cookie information is retained for thirteen (13) months.

3- Storage of your personal data
All the information that you provide us with will be stored on secure servers. Biocorp Production makes every effort to protect the personal data of employees and third parties as well as possible. Nevertheless, due to the nature of the Internet and the risks relating to the transmission of information on the Internet, total data security cannot be guaranteed.

4- Recipients of your personal data
Recipients of your personal data are limited exclusively to persons who are entitled to know your data by virtue of their professional roles.

5- The security of your personal data
Biocorp Production guarantees the security, confidentiality and integrity of the personal data of its employees and third parties. Consequently, Biocorp Production takes various measures to ensure the security of your data against loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or destruction. Thus, only authorized persons will be able to access your personal data, namely the recipients of your personal data (see paragraph 4).

6- Your rights concerning your personal data
Biocorp Production collects your personal data. You therefore have various rights with regard to this data, namely:

  • The right to information
  • The right of access
  • The right of rectification
  • The right to erasure
  • The right of opposition
  • The right to limitation of processing
  • The right to portability


We invite you to read these rights at the following address:

You can exercise your rights by sending an email to: or by mail to the following address:
Biocorp Production
15 Route du Cendre
63800 Cournon d’Auvergne

If you feel, after contacting us, that your rights to information and freedom are not respected or that the access control system does not comply with data protection rules, you can make a complaint online to the CNIL or by post.

7- Modification of the privacy policy
Biocorp Production may change this privacy policy. If Biocorp Production decides to change this privacy policy or our practices, Biocorp Production will post a new update date on the page dedicated to this privacy policy, so that you are always informed of the information we collect, use, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.

Last update: July 15, 2020.

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